HOP (Help Our Planet Environmental Education Initiative)
Twenty five years ago, when The Junkman⢠traded traditional instruments for recycled and reused materials, the Green Movement and the concept of taking care of our environment were in their infancy. In those days, environmental action in a typical school consisted of one or two classes collecting/reusing paper or collecting used bottles.
Even in the primitive stages of the Green Movement, it was clear that humans need to make massive changes to save the planet from the debris and toxic fallout of the Industrial Revolution. As The Junkman had already committed to using junk and reused materials because of the highly original & exciting sound colors these objects produced, it became immediately clear that his work in the schools needed to meld music education with environmental awareness and stewardship. As the younger generation represented the future citizens and leaders on the world, they would be the generation that implemented the necessary changes to create a healthier planet earth.
This integration of music and environmental responsibility would eventually become The Junkmanâs HOP (Help Our Planet) Environmental Education Initiative.
This two hour course will focus upon Eco-Chants, the backbone of HOP. It will also focus upon ancillary tasks and programs that teachers can implement to further educate their students and increase the scope and reach of HOP in their respective school/communities.
An Eco-Chant is a very short, habit changing message set to a corresponding rhythm. Eco-Chants fall into two categories:
1. Our Planet: Air, Soil, Water, Change (our habits), Littering, Pollution, Energy, Questions (we should ask), Landfills, Plastics, and Climate Change.
2. Our Complete Environment: Respect, Bullying, Kindness, Purpose, Violence, Truth, Pride, Differences, Inclusiveness, and Listening.
Samples of Eco-Chants:
â˘Water – We should ne-ver waste wa-ter.
â˘Change: Think before you throw a-way.
â˘Respect: Show re-spect, earn re-spect.
â˘Inclusiveness: Cel-e-brate our diff-ren-ces.
Playing a number of Eco-Chants in a row is what we call a Junkjamâ˘. Each attendee will receive a copy of The Junkmanâs catalogue of 90 Eco-Chants covering all the areas mentioned above. The Junkmanâ˘will also share the techniques he has developed to enable the Junkjam to flow smoothly – including the introduction of the next Eco-Chant, beginning that chant together as a group, dynamics changes as the chant proceeds, and closing out of one chant and flowing seamlessly into another.
Finally,The Junkmanâ˘will review actions and projects that classes can undertake within the school and/or within its neighboring community to further positive efforts towards a healthier planet.